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Early & traditional music / contemporary approach


ISVOR Cultural Association, 2022

The album “DANSate” explores the impressive collection of Romanian music collected by the extraordinary composer and ethnomusicologist Béla Bartók, imagining a sound journey in Transylvania through themes such as „Jocul cu bâta”, „Brâul”, „Pe loc”, „Buciumeana”, „Poarga românească” or „Mărunțelul”.



ISVOR Cultural Association, 2021

Erik Satie’s music reimagined in eclectic instrumental compositions, starting from works such as „Gnossiennes”, „Vexations”, „Tapisserie en fer forgé” sau „Carrelage phonique”.


Isvor. Constantin Brâncuși

Euphonia / Pilgrim.Project, 2017

Album dedicated to the great Romanian sculptor, from whose life and work it is inspired; it is a reconstruction – visual and sound – of Brâncuși’s world: from the Gorja one, where he was born and spiritually formed, to the Parisian one that perfected him artistically and culturally.


Isvor. George Enescu

Editura Casa Radio, 2016

The 19th century, an amalgamated age where urban folklore is already decanted, and what we now call fusion is fully felt: the wave of Byzantine-flavored music had already washed over the territory of Extra-Carpathian Romania, leaving Balkan or Asian melodic towers in the native sediments. The album offers more than ten titles, and George Enescu lingered over some of them in his Rhapsodies.


Isvor. Dimitrie Cantemir

Editura Casa Radio / Pilgrim.Project, 2012

The album draws a parallel between the compositions belonging to Dimitrie Cantemir and traditional Romanian creations of the time. The pieces are highlighted through the dialogue of the old instruments specific to the Romanian cultural space of Cantemir’s time (baglama, bouzuki, darbuka, bendir) together with modern classical instruments (flute, oboe, violin, guitar).



Pilgrim.Project, 2009

The album proposes a collection of medieval European themes interpreted in a contemporary manner, with many original improvisational parts; a combination of sounds of acoustic, modern and traditional instruments, putting old music (an expression of European cultural diversity) into dialogue with the spontaneous improvisation of the five musicians.


Musica Viva

Electrecord, 2002

The album proposes a collection of fifteen old music themes interpreted in an original way, by joining modern cult instruments (flute, violin, oboe, bassoon) with traditional percussion ones (djembe, darbuka, tambourine). In the group’s vision, the pieces start from the most faithful interpretation of European court music, reaching free improvisations on popular medieval themes.
